Avengers: Infinity War
Blade Runner 2049
Hacksaw Ridge
Star Trek: Into The Darkness
The Revenant
Guardians Of The Galaxy
The Hateful Eight
X-Men: Days OF Future Past
The Hobbit: Battle Of the Five Armies
The Hobbit: The Desolation OF Smaug
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Kong: Skull Island
Mirror Mirror
War For the Planet of the Apes
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
TRON: Legacy
Brokeback Mountain
The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
Legends of the Fall
The Assassination Of Jesse James
I Robot
Days of Heaven
The Clan Of The Cave Bear
Game of Thrones
The Good Doctor
DC Legends of Tomorrow
Van Helsing
The Walking Dead
Parks & Recreation
Chicago Fire
Hart to Hart
Chicago PD

140 Riverside Drive W North Vancouver, BC

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Friday   8:30 - 2:00

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Thomas FX Serves 
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Professionals In
82 Countries 

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Black Sclera Halloween Contacts In Stock

Responding to requests from several customers, we now have Black Sclera Theatrical Contact Lenses in stock. 

Our Red Sclera Contacts are inbound and should arrive soon.

Other high quality Sclera Halloween Contact Lenses may be purchased through our online store on a custom order basis.

We have also added 9 new designs to our inventory of Stock Theatrical Halloween Contact Lenses with additional new designs still enroute.

Thank you everyone for input and customer feedback on the additional products that you wanted us to stock.

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Vancouver Zombie Makeup Arrives at Thomas FX

Yesterday we received a large shipment of Mehron makeup effects products. This shipment augments our existing inventory, and while we still have orders inbound from other suppliers, we are well stocked with professional makeup effects products.

One product, a turnkey Zombie makeup effects kit, will be of particular interest to people who might want to participate in the annual Vancouver Zombie Walk for the first time.

This year the Zombie Walk takes place on August 18'th through the streets of Downtown Vancouver.

Repeat participants already know that Thomas FX stocks lots and lots of blood, plus many realistic body parts and organs such as brains, hearts and intestines. Please check our website for more information about Zombie Walk supplies.

We also carry a large stock of theatrical contact lenses. These are quality contact lenses that can be worn multiple times and will last for years. Our Theatrical Contacts are NOT the "disposable" one time wear contacts that some stores are selling.

For people looking for REALLY special contact lenses, we can order in a pair of Sclera Halloween contacts for you, and we can even have them made to your prescription.

If you can't find what you are looking for on our website right now, keep checking back as we will be adding lots of new products to our online store in the next few days, and also in the weeks that follow.

You are also welcome to drop into our bricks and mortar store in North Vancouver if you prefer to shop in person. We are located just at the North end of the Second Narrows Bridge on Riverside Drive just South off Dollarton Highway.

Have fun during the Zombie Walk everyone, but don't hurt anyone or cause any damage. It would be a shame for this annual event to go away.
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Sclera Special Effects Contact Lenses for Halloween

A customer in the store yesterday asked us if we ever brought in sclera theatrical contact lenses. Since we had none in our display case, this was a reasonable question. "Yes, we can" is the answer.

It dawned on us that unless someone had found sclera contacts on our website they would have no way of knowing whether or not we had any. This was definitely an "aha" moment. We are so used to store customers who browse through our website before coming to the store, that it was something of a novelty for someone just to drop in. Nice to have that reality check.

We always have a large stock of Halloween theatrical contact lenses on hand and customers can easily choose the right ones from a well lit display case. Our theatrical contact lenses are made in the United States and are FDA approved. These are high quality Halloween contact lenses that can last years if you store and handle them properly. We charge $59.99 . . . A PAIR . . . for our contacts, and they include a contact lens storage case at that price.

It is more typical for online contact lens sellers to quote low prices to attract new customers. However, if you read the small print you will soon discover that those low prices are for ONE contact lens, or for lenses that are virtually DISPOSABLE. These are not the same quality as the Halloween contact lenses that we sell. Be very careful when choosing contact lenses. Some cheap foreign knock offs can actually damage your eyes. Always buy quality trusted brands.

To make things easier for everyone, we just separated sclera lenses from our custom contact lens page. Now, for added convenience, you can view all of our sclera lenses on the same page. When you order custom or sclera theatrical contact lenses, either online or through our store, please allow three to four weeks for delivery. The new sclera page can be found under the Halloween Supplies section of our Online Store.
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Cataract Contacts Fake Blood Artificial Snow and Ice Worldwide

This certainly has been an interesting week so far, and the week is still young.

As I write, we have a shipment of Cataract Contact Lenses en route to a customer in Denmark, and a large shipment of artificial snow, fake icicles, snow fluid and several Thomas FX SN-600 Snow Machines en route to an advertising agency in New York.

We have a number of good customers in both locations, Denmark and New York, so I guess word is getting around that Thomas FX is the reliable Online "go to" resource for artificial snow and ice, and for professional quality makeup effects supplies.
Yesterday we had a surprise visit from two professional makeup effects artists from Korea. Betty and I had a wonderful time showing our visitors all of the unique professional makeup effects products that we stock in the Thomas FX store.

It turns out that they have already been using Thomas FX Breakaway Glass Shards and Non Staining Powdered Blood products. However, they have been purchasing them in Korea from the Graftobian Make-up Company based in Los Angeles . . . another regular Thomas FX Customer.

Some Thomas FX branded makeup effects supplies are also distributed in the United States by Hollywood's Cinema Secrets.

Curiously, also this week, a professional Makeup FX artist based in Ohio purchased 8 pairs of Cataract Contacts for a film shoot. Apparently, he will be working for a production company from India and filming on the Island of Madagascar very shortly.

These are the same type of contact lenses worn by Vin Diesel in The Chronicles of Riddick movie.

Imagine that . . . from the sci-fi blockbuster The Chronicles of Riddick to an Indian Zombie movie filmed in Madagascar.

Coincidentally, the Makeup Effects artist is one of our regular US customers and will also be taking our Non Staining Blood Powder with him to the shoot. He has been using proprietary Thomas FX blood for a while now and tells us he absolutely loves it.

When we add in the dozens of additional Internet customers whose orders we shipped out to various destinations throughout North America this week, and the many dozens of film industry customers that we serve across Canada as well as internationally every day, plus the tens of thousands of people around the world who read our Blog, download our YouTube videos, and Like us on Facebook, then consider how many billions of people are entertained every year watching films or television programs or attending special events or shopping in retail outlets who use our products, and you begin to get a sense of the Global reach of the Thomas FX brand.

Years ago we set out to become a true Global Resource for film industry and entertainment professionals working around the world. Based on results, I would have to say that we are definitely on target and have realized our Corporate Mission.

Thank you to all of our loyal customers around the planet for allowing us to make a difference in the world by supporting your many and diverse First Class entertainment projects!

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Theatrical Contact Lenses In Stock


For those who have been waiting patiently for the past few weeks . . .

We just received a large shipment of theatrical contact lenses.

In the movie The Chronicles of Riddick, star Vin Diesel wore Cataract theatrical contact lenses.

Every style is now in stock at Thomas FX. Shop Online, or drop by and pick up your theatrical contacts today.
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