Snow Day ... Closing At Noon

Open Till 4:00 Saturday OCT 21

Open Saturday - Closed Sun & Mon

Happy Birthday Canada !

CLOSED Victoria Day Monday

Closed Easter Long Weekend Holiday


Open Saturday 10:00 Till 4:00

OPEN SATURDAY 10:00 - 2:00

Open Thursday From 10:00 AM
Thomas FX is closed today, Wednesday August 17.
We will resume normal business hours on Thursday morning from 10:00 AM.
Betty had eye surgery this morning and is now at home recovering.
After a quick followup visit with her surgeon first thing in the morning we will head to the office for our late 10:00 opening.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this mid-week closure might have caused.
Normal business hours and emergency after hours service will resume tomorrow.
IT'S POOL WEATHER ... Closing At 3:00 Today
Thomas FX will close early today and tomorrow due to the fabulous sunny weather in Vancouver.
With Canada Day falling on a Wednesday, it seems that many people are taking 5-day mini-holidays this week.
Since the weather in Vancouver is so outrageously awesome, we thought we should join in the fun and take full advantage of the sunshine too.
Today and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, July 2 & 3, we will close at 3:00.
Emergency service will be available to FILM INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS needing help outside of store hours.
In addition, our web store will remain open on a 24 x 7 basis.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for understanding.
Regular store hours resume next week.
Happy 4th of July to all of our American friends.
Posted by: Thomas FX Blog @ 1:53 PM Comments
Labels: Customer Service Store Hours
It's Halloween...We Are Now Open Every Day
Thomas FX is now open every day, except Thanksgiving Monday, until October 31'st.
Our store hours will be constantly updated on the left navigation panel of our website, so please check there to confirm that we are open each day.
Saturday was busy and lot's of fun as we reconnected with some of our favorite store regulars.
With more than 1,000 new product sku's, in addition to our standing inventory, this is without a doubt our best seasonal collection ever.
Happy Halloween everyone. . . the fun has already started so come in and say hello.
Posted by: Thomas FX Blog @ 4:14 PM Comments
Labels: Customer Service Halloween Store Hours
Thomas FX Is Open Tomorrow 10:00 - 2:00
The 2014 Vancouver Zombie Walk takes place tomorrow from 3:00 - 6:00 pm, starting at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Thomas FX is fully stocked with everything imaginable for creative Zombies . . . professional makeup effects, blood, zombie clothing, props, and Walking Dead Contact Lenses.
We are open today until 5:00 pm, and tomorrow (Saturday) from 10:00 am till 2:00 pm.
Drop by for last minute Zombie Walk supplies and remember. . . have fun, stay safe, and don't do any damage.
Posted by: Thomas FX Blog @ 3:01 PM Comments
Labels: Zombie Walk Store Hours
The End Is Near!
Wednesday is our last full day before our annual Holiday break.
Wednesday is also the second last day of our annual Year End Clearance Sale.
So literally, The End Is Near.
Thursday will be our last day of work in 2013, and it will be a short day for us.
We will be in the office on Thursday from 8:00 am until 11:30 am, then heading out for Christmas Lunch.
We will be back in the office from 1:30 until 4:00 for the annual Thomas FX Christmas Open House. Christmas Cheer will be served to all those who drop by.
Thomas FX will be closed from December 20 and will reopen in the New Year on January 6.
Emergency Service will be available during this period for film professionals only.
Posted by: Thomas FX Blog @ 3:24 PM Comments
As the 2013 Halloween Season is upon us, Thomas FX is extending its hours.
In September we will open every Saturday from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
As we get closer to Halloween, our store hours will be extended even further.
Please check our website to confirm daily opening times.
EXPERIENCE Thomas FX this Halloween!
Posted by: Thomas FX Blog @ 9:57 AM Comments
Labels: Customer Service Store Hours
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