Posted by Thomas FX on 7/13/2020 to
BC Film Industry
VANCOUVER, BC - JULY 2020 - John Quee, Chief Executive Officer, Thomas FX Group Inc., is pleased to announce that Vancouver-based special effects legend, Thomas FX, is now the exclusive distributor of Bio-Tech UV Technology in Canada. This is a proven technology that allows Film Studios, Medical Offices, and Businesses, to sanitize and clean large areas easily. UV Technology uses a high-frequency light wavelength to kill bacteria, germs, and viruses like COVID-19. UV sanitizing technology has proven to be effective for more than 40 years.
Thomas FX has been credited as being one of the pioneers that built the Canadian film industry. Known for their high-quality special effects products, including the world’s best biodegradable snow and ash, Thomas FX survived the pandemic and has now pivoted to help other businesses get back to work. Their goal is to support other businesses in safely welcoming back their customers and employees within a safe and clean environment.
Like many others suddenly confronted with COVID-19, the Television and Film industry completely shut down, impacting millions of people. As a key supplier to Film & television customers across Canada and around the world, Thomas FX wants their industry to welcome back employees to safe film sets and studios. As Provincial governments across Canada begin the re-opening of their economies in stages, the health and safety of staff is of utmost concern.
“COVID-19 impacted our industry severely, so we decided to become part of the solution, helping the industry, other businesses, and the general public, to fight COVID-19 as they reopen. This is why we decided to pivot Thomas FX and distribute Bio-Tech UV Technology. We know this equipment will create a safe and clean work environment for the industry, due to its strong wavelength that will kill bacteria, viruses and other illnesses. This will allow businesses and employees to focus on their job while being more productive, without worrying about COVID-19.” - John Quee, Chief Executive Officer.
Bio-Tech UV Technology offers chemical-free products making it environmentally friendly. It is easy to use and is a cost-effective alternative for disinfecting. Thomas FX is ready to help the Canadian economy get back up and running by supporting Canadian businesses with effective solutions. Thomas FX also offers PlexiGlass barriers, plus a selection of fogging and sanitizing equipment. To learn more about the Health & Safety products we are carrying, or to purchase them, visit our website.
About Thomas FX:
Launched in 1968 Thomas FX is one of Canada’s pioneer companies that is widely acknowledged as having helped build the Canadian film industry. With a network of International Dealers, and customers in 78 countries, they have grown to become one of the most influential special effects suppliers in the entertainment industry. They are best known for their Patented biodegradable snow and ash effects, among other products and essential production supplies.
Media Contact:
Emma Whiten
Jelly Marketing
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