Posted by Thomas FX on 3/8/2020 to
Artificial Snow and Ice
It is time to stop talking and DO SOMETHING . . . . . Join Our Green Revolution!
Thomas FX has just launched another major update to our website . . . . . . . We have gone GREEN and GLOBAL in a big way, supported by a growing Global Network of Green Thomas FX Dealers!
Moving forward, all GREEN products will be high lighted with a neon GREEN frame in our online store, making GREEN products easier to identify. To earn our GREEN frame a product must be Biodegradable, Compostable, Reusable, or Recyclable. We are now in the process of adding GREEN product qualities to each product as well as disposal instructions. This is a huge job so please be patient with us . . . . We are moving forward as quickly as possible to bring the most relevant information to our customers. Meanwhile, if you have a question about any of our products, please call Betty during office hours.
In addition, Thomas FX has embraced a comprehensive GREEN CORPORATE POLICY and has begun the process of eliminating all plastics and harmful chemicals from our environment. We will be posting details of our GREEN CORPORATE POLICY on our website in the coming days.
Global Warming is real . . . . IT IS HERE NOW! Time to stop talking and DO SOMETHING . . . . . Join Our Green Revolution and make GREEN Production Supply Choices NOW!
Let be your GREEN GUIDE.
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