Posted by Thomas FX on 11/29/2016 to
Artificial Snow and Ice
Thomas FX is the world's foremost manufacturer and distributor of quality fake snow products.
We manufacture our famous eco-friendly biodegradable snow flakes, and artificial ice products, in our own plant, and have a host of other fake ice and fake snow products manufactured specifically for us.
Serving the needs of a demanding film and television industry since 1968 we have developed a wide range of fake snow and ice products that are second to none and we have the patents to prove it. Wherever snow movies are being made in the world, fake snow and fake ice products from Thomas FX are being used.
Collectively Thomas FX fake snow customers have earned more than 100 Academy Awards for their productions, with more being recognized for excellence every year. In 2015 Academy Award winners "The Hateful Eight" and "The Revenant" both included fake snow from Thomas FX in their productions.
Increasingly, fake snow and fake ice products from Thomas FX are being used by large retail department stores to decorate store windows at Christmas. Current and past customers have included Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Sak's Fifth Avenue, Macy's, Moods of Norway, and Holt Renfrew to name a few.
Event planners and designers are also including fake snow and fake ice products from Thomas FX for client launches, promotions and themed attractions. This year we supplied Thomas FX branded fake snow products to the Tim Horton's chain, and to other organizations from the LA Zoo to theme parks in North Carolina, to Santa's Villages in regional Shopping Malls just about everywhere around North America.
So if you are asking "Who Makes Fake Snow" right now, pick up the phone and call Thomas FX at 604.929.5455 today.
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